Monday, August 30, 2010

Only Six Weeks until Nature's Classroom Week!

Get ready for our awesome 2010 week at Nature's Classroom,
October 12-15!

This will be the 6th year that the fifth grade
students from FRCS get to spend a very special week of learning, fun, and friendship with their classmates and teachers on the summer camp grounds of Camp Wingate-Kirkland in Yarmouthport on Cape Cod.

More information will soon be sent home and posted on Edline. For students who are new to FRCS, welcome! We will provide everything you need to sign up and get ready for this amazing, for-fifth-graders-only, weeklong field trip!

P.S. If you don't already have a pair of waterproof boots, it's a good idea to start hunting around for a pair to buy or borrow. As you can see from this picture taken last year, sometimes we do need to keep our feet dry at Nature's Classroom.
