Friday, October 15, 2010

One last look back at NC 2010

With special thanks to the crazy, fun NC teachers...and nurse Sparky!!!!!

Last Day - October 15, 2010

"I thought I was going to be homesick, but I wasn't because I was having so much fun. I almost don't want to go home!" That's a direct quote that I heard this morning at our last breakfast gathering here at Nature's Classroom.

The weather held off until about 10:15 when the skies opened up in a big way. The rain lasted through the night 'til about 5:30 a.m. and so far this morning it's just windy, overcast and chilly.
There's no damper on the kids' activities, though, as they are out there squeezing every last moment of fun from this week's NC experience.
We'll have an early lunch, featuring homemade pizza by the marvelous Chef Tom and his team, after which we'll be boarding the busses and heading home.

Many thanks to all the parents who volunteered their personal time to be here with us this week:Mrs. Shaheen, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Kuzmich, Mrs. Goulder, Mrs. Cote, Ms. Martin, Mrs. Kimber-White, Mr. Parker, Mr. Green, Mr. McNeill, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Blake, and Mr. Larson!!!

See you soon!

Boys' Cabin photos again...

Due to a problem with the wireless network down here, it seems that one boys' cabin photo went out twice, while one was omitted, so I will try to attach all four again here!

Please note: More than 300 photos from our week at NC will be available on CD in a few weeks!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chaperones...and ALL of us!

FRCS 2010 Nature's Classroom Cabins- Part 2

FRCS 2010 Nature's Classroom Cabins- Part 1

GAGA photos

Day #3 CONTINUED part 2

(If I repeat myself here, I apologize as it looks like the last blog entry did not get sent due to a system error.)

Lunch was delicious: corn bread, BBQ chicken, grilled especially for us outside, by Chef Tom, baked potato/kernal corn, and the usual salad bar option.

Field groups are just finishing up right now (2:00-3:30. "T-time" will be used by many boys AND girls to play GAGA - See attached photos, and ask your favorite fifth grader how the game-inside-the-enclosure is played.

Class this afternoon (4:00-5:30) will be one of these choices:turtle hurdle (sea turtle survival game), seastar/crayfish dissection, "Gray's anatomy" (draw what you see inside a pig), doctors in the woods (wilderness first aid), gnome homes (natural places in the woods/fields where GNOMES would likely be hiding), and outdoor cooking lessons.

I'll send one more post after this one, with all our cabin photos!


We heard the weather report is not so great for tonight into tomorrow's departure, so we're taking full advantage of one last gloriously sunny day here on the Cape!

Breakfast featured chocolate chip pancakes and sausage (plus the usual options) and we managed to reduce our meal ORT to 17 lbs, much of which was liquid left in pitchers and partially finished cups of juice/cartons of milk. Children are being encouraged to only pour as much as they expect to drink and to ask someone else if they'd like half a carton of milk before they open one to drink/for cereal.

After a short "T (transition) time", the entire group used the whole camp area in a gigantic PREDATOR-PREY tag game during which they simulated the interactions of various parts of the natural food chain. Screams and squeals could be heard from behind trees, near the waterfront, beyond the serpent fountain pond...everywhere!

Any fifth grader should be able to explain the details of "Predator-Prey" tag, as well as their new FAVORITE game: GAGA!

My computer is beeping for me to plug in, but the power cord is "up the hill" in the, more later!

Thursday, October 14, 2010 - Day #3

The food has been great...Even our vegetarians are happy with choices such as 20-item salad bar and tofu!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day #2 - Oct. 13, 2010 More Photos

Day #2 - October 13, 2010 CONTINUED

Meals continue to be outstanding! Lunch was pretty much "inhaled" after all the children spent the morning out in that salty ocean air: sliced turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans and red peppers as the main offerings. After a busy afternoon of "T-times"(transition times when everyone gets to choose their playtime activity) and two classes, dinner was also a welcome event: toasted, thick, Italian bread slices, ziti with meatballs and sauce, cooked broccoli and squash strips (plus the usual "optional add-ons") with frosted gold cake, topped with chocolate chips. One special fifth grader had a Happy Birthday message written on his piece of cake as he celebrated his birthday here at NC!

Two hour-and-a-half long classes were held this afternoon. The first choices were: WWF (World Wildlife Federation/animal adaptation), build an arch bridge (and walk across it without it collapsing!), feed your face (skin care the natural way), life drawing, pig dissection, water rockets (build them out of plastioc beverage bottles..and launch them 100's and 1000's of "millimeters" intothe air), Oil Wars (simulating the barter system between countries for access to resources), and Build a Geodesic Dome (discovering the strength of the triangle).

Second class choices included: tree tag (learn to identify different trees), art from found natural materials, Savage Ravage (ecology tag game ), grossology (learning about gross things in your body/creating artificial wounds "Hollywood style"), new items from recycled materials, and turtle dissection.

As I write, the group is experiencing special secrets and surprises of the woods, fields, and the crystal clear, moonlit sky on their "Night Hike". (I went on it last year; it's great!)

I will post a few more photos tonight for you to enjoy, as day #2 at NC nears its conclusion.

Day # 2 Chapin Beach photos

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - Day #2

It's hard to believe we've only been here 1 day and a half!

The morning dawned bright, sunny, and nearly cloudless. Breakfast choices included scrambled eggs, bacon, and home fries, as well as fresh fruit, cinnamon coffee cake or bagels/cream cheese, or cold cereal, plus milk or hot chocolate/ juice.
Each meal starts with six fifth graders (3 from the upstairs dining hall and 3 from downstairs) volunteers introducing themselves, with everyone responding "HI...(name)!" Then, he/she gives a "positive share", saying something upbeat about their activities here or about their personal interests. Finally, they get to fill in the blank to a silly statement, such as, "If I could fill the lake with anything other than water, I'd fill it with..." (pudding, whipped cream, carael were typical of their answers!) Before serving begins, an NC staff member gives some words of wisdom such as "You can't always get what you want, but if you try real hard, you get what you need!"

At 9:30 we boarded 3 school buses for the 15 minute drive to beautiful Chapin Beach in Dennis, where the tide was WAY out and the tidal pools were ripe for exploring...and trying out all those waterproof boots that were bought just for this week! Though it was a little cooler by the ocean, it was still a comfortable temperature for looking under rocks and on the rippled sand ridges to find a variety of marine treaures, including:
moon snails, periwinkles, barnacles (which live and grow permanently on whatever they attach to), Asia shore crabs (an invasive species that eats native varieties of crab), clams, oyster shells, hermit crabs, snail egg jelly, squid eggs enmeshed in "deadman'sfingers" (an invasive variety of seaweed that looks a lot like thin dredlocks; it floats so that the eggs that wash ashore during high tide might not survive), long, sharp razor clams, and Lady crabs (one of two crab types that have paddles for swimming, rather than only crawling ).

Also, two halves of a scallop shell opened and closed while being gently held in one student's hand, while another watched in amazement as a crab in a shallow tidal pool molted right before her eyes!

"Hey, guys, I found a crab...OW!" (pinched!)
"Let's look underneath THIS rock!"
"So lobsters are crustaceans?"
"Who knew nature could be so beautiful?"

and then I overheard, "I've already emptied my boots twice. Now I feel like a mermaid wearing jeans! But I'm happy; I had fun..!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day #1 More photos

Please forgive any typos in previous and future posts. I'm typing fast to be able to run off and catch up with the kids!

Day #1 - Part 2

"Time goes by really fast here!"

"I could stay here for 3 months!"

"My SPIDER ISLAND clas got rid of my fear of spiders!"

"I wanna play that game. IT LOOKS SO FUN!"

These are some of the things I've overheard from our fifth graders today - YES, NC is awesome!

It's been a very busy first day. As I write, everyone is in the LEOJ ("Joel" spelled backwards) participating in Quest Night activities. There are a number of "challenge" stations to which they rotate.

Each challenge requires a different level of cooperation; the kids are working with their field groups, so they're getting used to being a team to accomplish goals together. My favorite was the one on the outdoor well-lit stage (in the balmy autumn night air) where they were instructed not to speak at all and to create one large "masterpiece" using only the stones they found on the stage. They were not to use any of the leaves or twigs that were scattered about. Their use of sign language, body language, and facial expression was impresive as they worked on their creation.

This afternoon, everyone chose a 1 1/2 hour class to attend: Building a survival shelter, Treasure hunt/orienteering with a compass, Float your boat (building cardboard boats and testing the designs by seeing if they sink or float in Serpent Pond),Endangered eggs (activities to teach about endangered species), Burma Bridge (creating a rope bridge strong enough for each group member to walk across, while all others act as spotters),Spider Island (cool investigations about the characteristics and behaviors of arachnids), Rainbow connection (art project), or...the ever-popular shark dissection.

Dinner was make-your-own meat or veggie taco in soft roll-up tortilla, yellow rice with black beans, and brownie with whipped cream. (Always, salad and sunflower butter and jelly are available, too) . No one is going to bed hungry!

It's almost time for me to rejoin the group for evening sing-along and the walk back to the bunks foir our first night here at Nature's Classroom.

I'll add some more photos from our first fabulous day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 -DAY #1

The overcast skies drizzled a bit on our way down, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the FRCS fifth graders who followed Fitz's instructions to SCREAM at the tops of their lungs when we turned into the gravel driveway, and they saw the Nature's Classroom sign this morning!

Everyone formed a bucket-brigade-style line to empty the 100's of bags, pillows, sleeping bags, and plastic bags full of who-knows-what into two massive piles. After a loud running-around activity and introductions to the Nature's Classroom teachers, it was off to the bunks! NC teachers met with each cabin group to discuss guidelines for living together in a "bunk family", and before long it was time for lunch!

"Something smells GOOD!" was a common exclamation as the kids entered the dining hall for their cheese lasagna and sauce, garlic bread, and cooked broccoli-and-red-peppers. Other choices included salad bar, sunflower nut-and-jelly sandwiches, bananas and apples. LOTS were eating their veggies!!!!

Our ORT* report indicated our group managed to leave 35 pounds of uneaten food and unconsumed liquid at the end of the meal. *ORT is an old English word for leftover food, and a goal of NC is to reduce the amount of "waste" by teaching the children to only take what they will eat or drink. Meals are served family-style, but whatever is not served onto individual plates (ie "is on the Platter") doesn't count as ORT.

It's time for me to go check out the afternoon classes...more later!