Thursday, October 14, 2010


We heard the weather report is not so great for tonight into tomorrow's departure, so we're taking full advantage of one last gloriously sunny day here on the Cape!

Breakfast featured chocolate chip pancakes and sausage (plus the usual options) and we managed to reduce our meal ORT to 17 lbs, much of which was liquid left in pitchers and partially finished cups of juice/cartons of milk. Children are being encouraged to only pour as much as they expect to drink and to ask someone else if they'd like half a carton of milk before they open one to drink/for cereal.

After a short "T (transition) time", the entire group used the whole camp area in a gigantic PREDATOR-PREY tag game during which they simulated the interactions of various parts of the natural food chain. Screams and squeals could be heard from behind trees, near the waterfront, beyond the serpent fountain pond...everywhere!

Any fifth grader should be able to explain the details of "Predator-Prey" tag, as well as their new FAVORITE game: GAGA!

My computer is beeping for me to plug in, but the power cord is "up the hill" in the, more later!

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